Oswald Mini
Item: 6013081
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is a beloved character created in 1927 by Walt Disney. Oswald starred in several animated short films from 1927 to 1938. Bring home some Disney nostalgia with this creatively crafted Oswald creation by Jim Shore.
- Figurine
- Jim Shore Disney Traditions Collection
- Beautifully hand-painted and crafted with intricate styling and attention to detail
- Jim Shore's style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs inspired by American and European folk art
- Proudly designed by award winning artist, Jim Shore
- Packaged in individual box with photo on front
Material: Stone Resin
Measurements: 3.22in H x 1.81in W x 3.38in L Wt. 0.08 lbs
UPC Code: 028399366545
Oswald Mini 6013081
SKU: enejsd6013081
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